So I finally wrote a post about this gender-changing agenda after a board member of the LGBTQ+ advocacy group Equality California was arrested for enticing a 13-year-old to meet him at a hotel. The board member, who works for Facebook, said he was just “flirting” and wouldn’t have followed through! Yet he showed up for a meet in a hotel room and even said that he might not be able to hold back because he made him horny? Watch the video. It will make you sick.

I have a lot of lesbian friends and one of them became incensed and unfriended me after I posted my opinion about how great this transgender agenda is for pedophiles.  I have to admit, it made me angry. Since when is she allowed to say anything she wants to, but I’m not? I have lots of gay and lesbian and even a few transgender friends. I like them. I don’t judge them, but I do wonder what happened in their lives.

My best friend when I was little is gay, and I believe he was born gay. I don’t know that for a fact, but he was always effeminate. So it isn’t always abuse or molestation.

I’ve never experimented and why would I? I like who I am and I like men. My ex-brother-in-law called me “disgustingly heterosexual” after I chose not to “open my mind and experiment” with other women.

My lifestyle is disgusting, but his isn’t? I’ve been accepting of who he is, but obviously that doesn’t go both ways. I don’t have to “try” something to know it isn’t for me.

Thirty-five years ago I learned that my (ex) husband’s father abused our little girl. She was two. I took her to her pediatrician, and he informed me that he was required by law to call Minnesota Child Protective Services. I already knew that and said that was fine. Call them. Stop this monster.

The story that unraveled was horrifying. I knew two of my ex’s brothers were gay, and I had asked him why. One was abused by his scout leader, he said, and another one was abused by their priest. Later the two that were married divorced, and it came out that they were bi-sexual. My ex cheated on me during the first year of our marriage, I found out later. And the cheating had never stopped.

His sister admitted she remembered her mother pushing her behind her skirts and screaming at her father to “Never touch my little girl again.” The other sister remembers that none of the doors in their house locked and that it creeped her out that he would make sexual comments as she walked by or open the bathroom door while she was showering. One time he even broke the window trying to look in, after she barricaded the bathroom door.

Why hadn’t anyone told me any of this before? They knew he was living with us, and watching our daughter. Why did my ex allow it? He finally admitted to me that the only way to stop his father was “with a shotgun.” Another brother told me “This is your problem, not ours.” To this day not one of them has admitted the harm being abused caused them, and they act as if they are perfectly normal. My ex has severe depression, along with numerous other mental illnesses.

My counselor called their abuse “The Monster in the Closet.” He claims that these children of abuse were sexualized before they were socialized. When you are sexualized that early it becomes a primary need, like love and food and water. It is too scary to admit what happened to them as children, and living with it is better than opening the door and letting the monster out.

I was so angry, as more and more came out from my daughter. The things that her grandfather did and said to manipulate her were devious and cruel. My counselor knew how angry I was, and suggested I punch my pillow or buy a punching bag. I bought a Yogi Bear full of sand, advertised as a punching bag. The first time I hit it, poor Yogi bounced off the wall on the other side of the room. Praying actually worked better for me than punching.

My counselor also suggested that, for therapy, I write about it. I did, and Woman’s World actually bought the story in 1990. I changed my daughter’s name and wrote it anonymously. Here it is:

Kelsey’s Safe Now

She Blamed herself. Why hadn’t she seen what was going on? But she knew her first priority was to keep Kelsey safe.

I was putting Kelsey, my two-year-old, down for a nap. She’d been having trouble sleeping and she wanted her bottle. We were snuggling together on my bed, surrounded by the blue patchwork flowers of my quilt.

I was rubbing her back when she rolled over and took my hand and placed it between her legs. “No, Mama, here,” Kelsey said as she guided my hand back and forth.

At that moment I could actually feel the blood drain from my face. Slowly, I withdrew my hand, still in shock, trying to gather my thoughts. What was I supposed to do now?

“Who else rub you like that, sweetheart?” I asked. Don’t alarm her.

“My Boppa does.”

“Boppa” was my husband’s father, Kelsey’s 65-year-old grandfather—the man who had helped take care of Kelsey since she was born.

“Honey, Boppa shouldn’t rub you there like that. Tht’s a private place that is just yours to touch, unless I have to put diaper cream on you or you have to see the doctor,” I said. Make sure she doesn’t think she has done anything wrong. “You’re a good girl for telling me, though. I’ll talk to Boppa and tell him not to do that. Now be a good girl and go to sleep.” I rubbed her back until she was asleep.

My legs shook as I left the room. I walked in a daze, step by step. Please, God, don’t let me fall down the stairs.

I called my best friend Cathy and told her what had happened. My teeth were chattering, my voice was shaking. I was a mess.

“Calm down,” Cathy said. “Maybe it’s a terrible mistake. Talk to Dan about it.”

“Dan’s at work,” I said. “Cathy, I know it’s not a mistake. I should have known this was going on. I have the terrible feeling that this is the missing piece of a puzzle I should have figured out years ago.

“Dan and his brothers and sisters always hated their father. It was only after Kelsey was born that Dan and his dad started to get along. Dan kept saying, “He’s changed. He’s really changed.” I didn’t understand, but this explains so much.”

Our conversation was cut short when Dan walked in the door.

Dan was a moody guy, and I could tell right away that he was irritable. Maybe this wasn’t the best time to talk, but it couldn’t wait. Kelsey was too important.

Dan was furious when I told him Kelsey’s story. He ran upstairs to talk to Kelsey.

“You’ve managed to blow things into a big catastrophe,” he said after talking with our daughter. “Kelsey said he only touches her there when he changes her diapers.”

Am I going crazy?

The rest of the evening was awful. I doubted myself. I doubted Kelsey. Maybe it was my fault.

The next day Dan’s sister called while Kelsey was napping and Dan was at work. Hesitantly, I told her what had happened. I grew even more alarmed when she confided that while she was growing up her dad used to peek at her while she was dressing. She said he also made lewd remarks, but he had never touched her.

Then I spoke with Dan’s other sister, who had no recollection of being molested by her father. But she did remember the day she hid behind her mother’s skirts while her mother screamed at her father, “Don’t ever touch my little girl again!”

I was confused and angry. I didn’t know what to do or if I should do anything. Then Dan’s ex-sister-in-law Linda called. Even though she and Dan’s brother were divorced, Linda kept close ties to our family. She told me that during our father-in-law’s last visit, her three-year-old complained three times of being sore. Linda hadn’t been able to get her little girl to say more. Now her suspicions were confirmed.

The next week was the longest in my life. Many things made me realize this man must have been molesting Kelsey for a long time.

Kelsey’s grandfather had been living in a trailer in our backyard. He always locked the screen door so she “wouldn’t fall out” and every time I went in he was in the middle of changing Kelsey’s diaper. He always had her pants off.

And whenever I’d take Kelsey anywhere, he’d always show up. He didn’t leave me alone with her! He was always in the house—I think he was trying to make sure she didn’t say anything.

He brought her into my house a couple of times screaming and in tears. I don’t know if it was what he was doing to her or what he was saying to her. I think he told her I didn’t love her. He once said to me, “You’re a terrible mother. If I could, I’d get custody.” That confused me the most.

He couldn’t stand to have her play with anyone but him. Dan even noticed how his father doted on Kelsey, but Boppa carried it way too far. I think he was in love with her—at least that’s how he justified what he did.

It sickened me to think I hadn’t realized what was going on.

Linda called back and said she found her little girl in the corner playing doctor. Boppa had played doctor with her and had demonstrated how the “doctor” examined her private parts. The trailer was the “hospital.”

I tried to talk to Dan again that night. At first, I thought he would start cursing at me again. Instead, he threw up his hand and without saying why, told me there was no doubt in his mind that his father had molested Kelsey.

My relief at his acceptance of this horrible situation was short-lived because his next statement hit me like a ton of bricks.

“The only way to stop my dad is with a shotgun. Maybe someday I can tell you the truth,” he said. Dan refused to say more, and I lay awake all night wondering what my husband was keeping from me. Had Dan suffered at the hands of this man too?

Dan called his father the next day. Dan’s father would not admit he’d done anything.

We called our state child abuse agency to find out what we should do. A caseworker came out to talk to us and to Kelsey.

She stated that she had to be very direct in questioning Kelsey, who was too young to adequately answer the questions that would incriminate her grandfather. But she said there was no doubt that Kelsey had been molested.

But now Dan was retracting his comments. There was no real proof, He said. “Besides, what’s the big deal about a little fondling, anyway?” he asked.

Dan was afraid that my going public would destroy his family and his life. He even feared his dad might commit suicide over this.

I realized then how different Dan and I were. It became clear to me that Dab and I would not make it; we did not have the same values and morals. This situation took its toll on our relationship, and I filed for divorce.

I took Kelsey to a counselor. She told the counselor about the game she and Boppa played where she touched Boppa’s penis. She told how much Boppa loved her very much right here and pointed between her legs. Then Kelsey said she was dirty and needed a bath.

I was incensed. How dare that man make my little girl feel dirty for something he had done.

There seemed little I could do to protect my child except keep her away from this monster, and I had a clause added to the divorce agreement stating that Kelsey would not see or have any contact with her grandfather.

Kelsey is safe from her grandfather now. Her counselor has assured me that all in all, Kelsey is a well-adjusted little girl. She’ll be fine.

I wish I could say the same for myself. I still blame myself for not seeing what was going on sooner. If only I had… I’ve heard hindsight is 20/20. And I couldn’t agree more.


And now, the rest of the story.

There are certain things Woman’s World wouldn’t print. One of my paragraphs stated that three of my ex-husband’s brothers were gay and the other one was bisexual. My husband’s good friend said that he did much more than cheat on me. I learned my ex was not just an adulterer—he was a sex addict. AIDs was rampant back then, and I was so afraid I had it. I got tested the next day, and six months later. I thank God it was negative.

Woman’s World didn’t think it was good to print that paragraph. It sounded like I was saying my ex’s brothers were gay because they were abused. Well, I guess I was. I don’t think that everyone who is gay has been molested, but I did have a lot of gay friends. Most of them had been abused. Some said they didn’t want to admit it because that didn’t look good for the gay community.

A flight attendant came up to the flight deck of the 747 while we were on our way to Japan. “You’ll never believe this,” he said. “There are fourteen guy flight attendants down there, no women. Twelve out of the fourteen of us were abused as children.” He sounded shocked. He was reeling. I don’t think he had ever connected the dots. I just nodded.

A year after I reported the abuse, when nothing had or ever would happen to “Kelsey’s” grandfather, Minnesota Protective Services called me. They were purging the file and wondered if I wanted a copy before it was thrown away forever. I did. They seemed baffled and surprised that I would drive all the way to downtown Minneapolis for a copy!

When I got there, they were still redacting some things in the file. I read it before they copied it for me. When I held it up to the light, I could see through the blacked-out sentences. Here is one paragraph the case agent wrote:

“When I called the house to confirm the address, the husband answered. He said his wife was coming unraveled and that he thought she was having mental issues. When I went to interview the child, the wife did seem overprotective and did not want to leave the room. She eventually left to answer the phone.”

What? I was unstable? Overprotective? Lady, if you learned your daughter had been sexually abused, how would you act? I knew my daughter. I knew if I left her alone with a stranger she would freak out. I’m an airline pilot for Christ’s sake. I have no mental problems. My ex was working against me, against his daughter, and for his dad. That made him complicit in my book.

I hated having to send her to visit him and it always made me uneasy. My counselor said my ex was exhibiting “grooming” behavior. In other words, he was prepping her. I was powerless to do anything to stop it except teach her what was normal behavior between a dad and a child and what wasn’t. So yes, I worried every time she left and it took weeks and sometimes months to get her back to her own cheery self. But that’s another story.

Pedophilia is rampant in our society. No one comes away unscathed. I shudder at this new curriculum to teach gender fluidity in schools. Who is going to be teaching it? And why? This is abhorrent. Children cannot choose their gender. Let people decide when they grow up and are over eighteen. Targeting children with confusing and explicit sex education is sexual abuse. Now we are going to start teaching young children, age five and up, that they can be any sex they want to be? At twelve we are going to start teaching them about anal sex? NOT ON MY WATCH. They also use pornographic material to teach these so-called “classes”!

What is wrong with us as a society? How have we lost our way?

This is a hidden agenda that I will not accept. The FEAR from this Covid pandemic has led people to lose their minds. Where is common sense? In what world do we mask children and make them afraid? This plandemic has led to more suicides, domestic violence, and malnutrition in children. It hasn’t “saved” lives. It has destroyed them.

Well, I’m letting the monster out of the closet.

Pedophiles are real, and they are devious and horrible. They have no concern for others – only for their own wants and needs. Now it is open season. Now they can say they’re women and get children alone. Pedophiles manipulate and lie better than anyone you’ve ever met. I know. I was taken in.

People say it is about power and control that the pedophile never had as a child and not about sex. You may be tempted to feel sorry for them. Whatever it is, I don’t care. They know what they are doing to another human being and believe me, they don’t care. We have to end this insanity now.